Marriage: Discussing Your Spiritual Beliefs – Samuel Burger – 3/4/19

Our view of spirituality greatly influences the way we live. This is an important discussion for to have together.

-Are our spiritual beliefs compatible?

2 Cor. 6:14-16. This can be applied to marriage.

  1. What do you think about God?

Can you Define Christianity? Can you Define what it means to be saved? Christianity is the belief that God has spoken through the prophets and scriptures that Jesus Christ is the prophesied Messiah who would pay the penalty for our sins and forgive us.

Many people come to adulthood never exploring their own spiritual belief system. Lots of people call themselves Christian because they were raised in a Christian home. If you cannot be open and honest about your spiritual beliefs before marriage, you are not likely to do so after marriage and your spiritual beliefs will become a source of conflict.

  1. Explore each other’s beliefs

To marry simply because you are in love and to ignore your spiritual differences are signs of immaturity. Explore!

  1. What kind of “Christian?”

There are different levels of commitment among Christians. Christmas, Easter only. For some, they attend church on a regular basis. For some, it’s a weekly event. Some live in close community with the church and are deeply involved. Many Christians serve the community and are deeply involved in ministry. There are Christians who view themselves as having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They even have a daily devotional. So it’s important to know what kind of Christian you are dating. Questions to ask:

-What is their level of commitment and involvement in the Christian community?

-How important is their faith to them?

-What kind of impact does their faith have on their personal life?

It’s obvious that a Easter-Christmas Christian is very different from a daily “quiet time” Christian.

For some, Christianity is just a religion; something you just do on Sunday and has little relevance to how you live your life. But to others, Christianity is your life. So you’ve got to have a strong spiritual foundation.
For a lot of couples, they just assume that this area will take care of itself after marriage. It’s possible to be so “in love” that you ignore the huge differences in your spiritual views.

Your spiritual beliefs are often accompanied by strong emotions and deeply held convictions. These beliefs will affect the way you approach life. Make sure you explore the foundation of spiritual compatibility before you make the commitment to marriage, after this you can spend time together as a couple and have fun as well, maybe with toys from these Womanizer OG reviews online.

Practical Discussion:

-What are the basic spiritual beliefs of your parents?

-Where are you in your spiritual journey? Have you accepted, rejected, or modified the spiritual beliefs that you were taught as a child?

-What are your basic beliefs about God?

-What spiritual organizations are you affiliated with? How active is your involvement?

-How do your spiritual beliefs affect your lifestyle?

-Do you think you hold enough in common to build spiritual intimacy in your marriage?

Pastor Samuel